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Our Vision & Culture

Our Vision

We want everyone to be proud of the part they play in the team at Gloucester Rugby, doing their best work to help to ensure success both off and on the pitch.

Our Culture

We are one team at Gloucester Rugby, we pull together to deliver what’s need for our fans, for our clients and for each other.  We acknowledge the amazing heritage of our club and celebrate this as we create a future that we can all be proud of.

Our People

Permanent and casual team members are all key in the workings of this club.  For some, Gloucester Rugby is a part of their whole working life (many returning after casual roles at school and through university into a permanent role) for others, it’s a stop on their career pathway but one that they will learn greatly from and be valued for the difference that they make.

Our Team Areas

Commercial – our commercial team ensures we have great relationships with business partners and that we are marketing our outstanding venue, ticket options and events appropriately.

Hospitality and Events – we want to provide the best service to all our customers, with outstanding food, events and experiences that meet all their needs.

Community and Foundation – we are always looking for ways to give back to the local and rugby community and our team gets involved in loads of activities from school clubs and match day experiences through to HITZ programmes and other community initiatives.

Operations – to ensure we are delivering the best experience on a match day and for events we have to maintain our fantastic facilities.  We have a brilliant team who ensure that operationally the complex machine that is our stadium and training facilities are all second to known for all our users.

Performance – we have a fantastic team of medics and coaching staff all working to ensure that all of our players are at peak fitness.  The academy system helps us to grow our own talent that we watch with pride make their way through the system and onto the pitch with the first team.